My Spiritual Journey
Well a few month ago I wanted a fresh start, I have been through so much I felt like I needed one. I have became very spiritual so I decided I wanted to go on a spiritual growth journey.
I am currently a SAHM (Stay At Home Mum) but I am planning to start a career when my girls are all in full time school (Lily is only 2 month so 4 years yet lol) but I want to start my career path now so I'm all set to work when they go off to school.
I would love more than anything to do a job I love which includes the following:
- Spirituality / Pagan
- Writing
- Photography
As these three things are my greatest passion. I would love to be something like a Spiritual Journalist, So I'd need to brush up my English skills, Writing Skills and knowledge. I love to research and learn so this is what I plan to do for the next 4 years, taking courses, workshops, reading, research and learn, learn, learn.
I would also like to take up a business course so I could maybe work freelance when the time is right.
Secondly on my journey I would like to learn to live by my greatest values...
- Love
- Peace
- Freedom
But also teach my girls to do the same, and have a happy homely home life growing up.
I want to let go of my past, not worry about the future and live in the present moment, not giving money power but save as much as I can and live a natural, healthy lifestyle.
I want to quit smoking and live a healthy lifestyle.
I want my faith to grow and attend spirituality churches. I want to research more into the pagan lifestyle and Wicca and develop myself on this path.
I am very much a nature lover, which is why my family moved out into a country village from a busy town. I love walking, I love everything country life, animals, plants, trees, scenery. There is nothing more full filling than taking a run first thing on a morning down a country lane especially with your loving dog.
I love all things outdoorsy, camping, outdoor activities so I'd love to do more of these and take my girls along.
I'd like to make my country home more homely, calm and a relaxing retreat filled with LOVE!
" Love is all we need " :-)
And lastly I want to develop my meditation techniques and yoga.
So these will be all the things you will be reading about in my blog posts :-) and my development and charity work for the BHF.
And last but not by far the least I want to be a great mum, who my kids can turn to when they need me, talk to about anything, letting my kids grow to their own personalities and be independent and loving.
Thank you for Reading.
Kim XxX